Friday, July 29, 2016

No Man’s Sky Fan Buys Leaked Copy, Posts Videos

Jumping into the universe early.

Update 2: Following Daily Motion taking his videos down, Daymeeuhn posted an update to Reddit saying that he would not be making any more videos. "That's it from me video-wise," he said. "[Hello Games] and Sean [Murray] don't like it, it's giving me a headache dealing with the fallout[.] I don't want to be the guy that spoiled all this cool s***, and I'm just leaving it at that!"

Talking with Kotaku, Daymeeuhn explained further that Sean Murray's disappointment made him feel bad about leaking footage. He said, "I expected Sean to tweet negatively about it because, let's face it, it's his job to... But I'll admit, after watching so many of his interviews and knowing how cool of a guy he seems, it did make me feel a bit guilty. It wasn't the sole reason for my decision, but it was certainly a factor."

Update: The videos have been removed from Daily Motion, although they're being uploaded again by other users on sites like YouTube.

Original Story:

No Man's Sky is one of the most anticipated games of the year, and it's supposed to launch on August 9 on PS4 and PC. But one fan got his hands on the game early, and he has begun posting videos of it online.

A person going by the username Daymeeuhn apparently purchased a leaked PS4 copy of the game for a really large sum--according to this post on Reddit, he spent $1250 for the chance to play it early (the Ebay listing has since been removed, so take this number with a grain of salt). He has also begun publishing videos of the game on Daily Motion, and he says that he'll continue to do so.

This is surely not what publisher Sony or developer Hello Games wanted, and it's likely that Sony is attempting to get the videos removed from Daily Motion right now. At the moment, however, they're all live, and Daymeeuhn says that he'll post a new video shortly. In addition, Hello Games' Sean Murray has asked fans on Twitter to not watch the videos, saying, "We've spent years filling No Man’s Sky with surprises. You've spent years waiting. Please don't spoil it for yourself."

If you're not concerned about spoiling the game's introduction or first moments, though, you can watch the videos here. We'll update this story with any new information we get about the leaks or Sony's response to them.

While you wait for the August 9 release date, you can check out our feature,"Making Sense of No Man's Sky's Massive Universe." You can also read about a potential copyright controversy that Hello Games has said isn't actually an issue.

Pokémon Go players narrowly escape Weston-super-Mare tide

Lifeboat launched to rescue group who became trapped on Birnbeck Island in Somerset before finding their way to safety

Group of six teenagers caught by rising tide on derelict Birnbeck Island in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset while chasing Pokémon.

A group of six teenage Pokémon Go players had a lucky escape on Thursday night after almost getting cut off by the rising tide off Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.

Weston’s volunteer lifeboat crew were alerted by Milford Haven coastguard shortly before 9pm to rescue the teenagers, who were searching for Pokémon on Birnbeck Island, which is cut off from the mainland at high tide apart from the partly collapsed, and unsafe, old pier.

By the time the volunteer lifeboat crew launched, two boys were spotted wading back across the shingle bank to the shore, with the tide rising rapidly to chest height, and scrambling to the shore.

Four more boys walked along the pier’s unsafe walkway, which the volunteer lifeboat crew were forced to abandon three years ago, back to the shore. The police, fire brigade and local coastguard teams were also gathered at the landward end of the pier on standby.

The RNLI said no one was injured in the incident.

Lifeboat crew member Chris Lyons said: “It is great to see people getting out and about enjoying themselves, however, putting your life in danger trying to catch Pokémon is extremely irresponsible.

“In Weston the tide comes in so quickly, in seconds you can be in life-threatening danger. Please, if you do see a Pokémon either on the rocks or in the muddy areas of Weston bay, don’t put yourself into a position where you could become stuck.

“The water is unforgiving, it doesn’t give you a second chance whereas a game will.”

The location-based Pokémon Go mobile game, which overlays a virtual world on real locations about the country, has rapidly become a worldwide phenomenon attracting millions of players from the US to Australia. But its use has not been without incident.

On Wednesday night three girls were spotted by the police standing in rough seas near Hastings Pier in East Sussex. Earlier in the week, Japanese players were urged to stay out of nuclear power plants and the Fukushima evacuation zones, while several car crashes have been reportedly caused by distracted players. Players in the US have also been illegally crossing the Canada-US border in search of Pokémon, while players in Bosnia have been warned to steer clear of landmines.

Meanwhile, mine rescue crews and fight fighters had to come to the aid of a group of teenagers in Wiltshire, who became lost within a network of caves at Box searching for Pokémon.

Amazing facts - 10 best kids' video games

As someone with lots of

whippersnappers in my family, I have impeccable insight into what kids like.

Well, that and the fact that I'm about 12 years old mentally.

On that note, here are my top 10 console gaming picks for kids this year. I did it … for the children. Interested in the best video games regardless of age? You also can check out my Big Game List for the top 10 video games overall for 2014.

10. Pokemon Art Academy: Learning to draw different Pokemon is the obvious hook for this title. However, I really like this game for three reasons. One is that it directly encourages creativity in kids, which is rare in a video game. Two is that it actually teaches you real drawing techniques. Three is because your in-game classmate Lily is just hilarious. Just don't blame me if it encourages your child to be a starving artist in the future.

— Nintendo 3DS

9. Disney Magical World: Disney's take on the "Animal Crossing" formula features lots of activities in a magical world. Yes, the activities typically involve being a glorified gopher and doing errands for Disney characters but hey, at least your child will actually listen to someone who's telling them to what do. Kids who love collecting in-game stuff and coordinating outfits will especially enjoy this one.

— Nintendo 3DS

8. Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney:

The two champions of logic finally meet each other in a game that combines puzzle solving with crazy courtroom antics. I like this game because it'll make kids think and laugh at the same time. Some of the content may be a tad mature for little children but kids who love stuff like Harry Potter or reading adventure books will likely enjoy this one.

— Nintendo 3DS

7. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham: Kids love LEGOs and the LEGO games are no exception. You can probably plug in any of the LEGO games that came out this year here but I think the quality of the LEGO Batman series is usually a notch above the rest of the LEGO games. Otherwise, alternatives from this year include LEGO The Hobbitand The LEGO Movie Videogame.

— 3DS, PC, PS4, PS3, Vita, Wii U, X360, XB1

6. Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Yes, it's another 3DS game. Hey, it's not like I'm doing it on purpose. Pokemon ORAS reintroduces kids to one of the beloved Pokemon titles of old by re-imagining the classic Ruby and Sapphire games with improved graphics and game mechanics. What's nice about Pokemon is it's suited for kids of all ages, including teens.

— Nintendo 3DS

5. Mario Kart 8:

Mario Kart 8 is a great game for kids for several reasons. For starters, it's a lot of fun and is perfect for both casual and hardcore gamers. It also provides a great lesson in how unfair life is, thanks to an assortment of evil items and mechanics that were apparently conceived by a creature living under a bridge. Get a bunch of players together in your living room for added enjoyment.

— Wii U

4. Disney Infinity 2.0 Marvel Super Heroes: I never, ever lined up for a Black Friday sale in my WHOLE life. That is, until this year so I could get a hugely discounted copy of this game's starter pack for my niece, who really wanted the game. Man, I can still remember the weird smells from that line. Admittedly, getting extra toys can be expensive but the game's Toy Box will be appreciated by any kid who likes Minecraft.

— PC, PS4, PS3, Wii U, X360, XB1

Phoenix Wright and Hershel Layton cross paths in "Professor

3. Skylanders Trap Team :Hey look, another toy-based game. Skylanders doesn't have a Toy Box like Disney Infinity but the actual adventure mode is more polished and doesn't feel as scattered as its Disney-made competitor. Getting additional toys to unlock more characters in the game can be just as expensive, though, so make sure to exert self control. I've actually seen parents who are more crazy about the toys than their kids!

— 3DS, iOS, PS4, PS3, Wii U, X360, XB1

2. PvZ: Garden Warfare:Call of Duty meets Plants vs. Zombies in this third-person shooter. Yes, Call of Duty is a first-person shooter but you know what I mean. Out of all the games I played with my young relatives this year, this one logged in the most hours. I'm talking enough hours to grow Lion-O from a child to a young adult. In short, kids love it.

— PC, PS4, PS3, X360, XB1

1. Super Smash Bros.:Nintendo's crazy fighting game just came out but it's now dominating my living room every time my young relatives come in. I'm talking pre-teens, kids in high school and even relatives in college. Get an eight-player match going on and you can sit back and watch the crazy unfold. Easily one of the best party and couch multiplayer games ever made for kids and kids at heart.

— Wii U

Pokemon Go: Everything You Need to Know

After months of anticipation, Pokemon Go is finally out now across various regions. With the popularity of the app skyrocketing, it's clear that a new phenomenon has begun. To better acquaint you with the app, we've compiled below everything you need to know about it.

For more on Pokemon Go, check out our recent news stories below, and be sure to check back as we update this article with more news and features.

The Review

"If Pokemon Go’s initial public reception is anything to go by, its ability to draw players from multiple generations and varied gaming backgrounds together is a game worthy of attention. When it works, Pokemon Go feels like a natural evolution for the series, very much a product of the times without making the mainline series obsolete. Its bugs and high battery consumption do not outweigh the old-but-new thrill of capturing Pikachu at a local park or vanquishing a Snorlax while conquering a gym." 

What You Need to Know

6 Essential Pokemon Go Facts--Pokemon Go is a fascinating new AR-focused mobile app that's taking the iconic series to uncharted territories. Check out our in-depth feature on the six ways that The Pokemon Company's new mobile offering makes smart use of Pokemon.

Pokemon Go: All the Known Issues--The game is experiencing a series of technical issues, such as "heavy" battery drain and distorted audio; get a full rundown of all the problems.

Here's What Pokemon Go's Microtransactions Get You--Pokemon Go is a free mobile app but it features an in-game shop that allows you to buy Poke Coins using real money, and then spend those on items. Check out everything you can purchase as well as the Poke Coin conversation rates.

Pokemon Go Rural Trainer's Log: Nothing Here But Us Weedles--After nearly a week with Pokemon Go in a rural area, this trainer has nothing to show for her efforts. Check out Alexa's experiences playing Pokemon Go in a rural area.


Pokemon Go Starter Guide--Check out all of our guides offering everything you need to better understand and play Pokemon Go like a pro.
Pokemon Go: 20 Essential Tips and Tricks--There are many strategies to consider as you play Pokemon Go, but the app doesn't make it readily apparent how to engage some of its concepts. Check out our in-depth feature containing all the essential tips and tricks for Pokemon Go. Otherwise, watch the video above for a brief overview of tips and tricks to guide you in the right direction.
Pokemon Go Leveling Guide--In Pokemon Go, increasing your trainer level is the best way to raise your chances of encountering powerful Pokemon. While you can level at a decent pace just by playing the game, there are ways to streamline the process, effectively maximizing the experience points (XP) you gain. To help in your efforts to level, we've compiled the most important steps you need to take.
What's Coming
Pokemon Go's New Features Detailed; Here's What Updates Will Have--Pokemon Go developer Niantic is promising a series of new features for the popular app in the next coming months. Here's everything you can expect.
Pokemon Go Feature Updates Discussed, Could Let You Assign Gyms--Niantic founder talks about Ingress and how it could be used to improve Pokemon Go.
Pokemon GO Devs Still Exploring Multiplayer, Say Players Will Shape The Game--Pokémon GO and Ingress developer Niantic Inc. spoke to GameSpot about making real-world games, learning from the community, and Game of Thrones. Check out everything the studio had to say.


How Long Will the Pokemon Go Fad Last?--Pokemon Go is one of the most popular apps out now, but how long will its popularity last? Come and discuss it with us.

Pokemon Go: All the New Features We Want--Pokemon Go isn't as good as it could be; join us as we weigh in on all the features we want to be added in the augmented reality game.

Pokemon Go Beyond Gaming

All the Pokemon Go News From Around the World--Pokemon Go has made headlines all over the world. With an abundance of stories about the popular app going around, we've compiled them all for your convenience. Check them out here.

Pokemon Go: All of These Celebrities Are Playing the Game--Seemingly everyone is playing Pokemon Go, including all of these celebrities.

Funniest Pokemon Go Moments on the Internet--Here's a roundup of some of the funniest stuff we've come across related to the new Pokemon game.

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